Doctors Dr Jinny Gill is taking leave from 9 June as she is due to give birth. We wish her all the best. Jinny will hand over any regular patients to other doctors while she is on leave. Dr Cara is on a long holiday, but back in June. We also welcome Dr Michael who is seeing patients on Mondays and Wednesdays. Reception The current reception team consists of Mia , Alex, Patricia, and Dean, with Meg as Practice Manager. Nurses We welcome Jacinta to the practice, she is working 4 days per week. Ping and Jackie will do some …
COVID-19 vaccinations – latest update
Updated 26 March 2023 COVID-19 booster vaccinations at Erskineville Doctors If your last COVID vaccination or COVID infection was more than 6 months ago you are eligible for a COVID vaccine booster now (as long as you are over 18). This is particularly recommended for people aged 65+ or any of the high-risk categories previously identified. Many of you will be come close to 12 months since your last vaccine, and efficacy is likely to be waning. ______________________________________________________________________________________ How do I make an appointment for a booster dose? We have variable supply of COVID vaccine and are generally offering it …
Fees update
As of 1 July 2022, the doctors will no longer be automatically bulk billing patients with a healthcare or pension card. We are introducing a concession rate to allow us to continue providing the best possible healthcare while also recognising that there are those in our community that are experiencing financial hardship. We are aware that some patients have the need for frequent medical consultations, and that there is a wide range of people who are holders of healthcare cards. We want to keep looking after all our patients and do not want to discourage your attendance. If you have …
Doctors availability
We welcome Dr Naomi and Dr Laavanya who will both be offering appointments at the practice from April. Please click on the links to read about them. Appointments can be booked on line. Dr Cara and Dr Joe are both away during May. If you are wondering where your usual doctor is there are a few on extended leave at the moment – Dr Nicolette, Dr Shereena, and Dr Anna have all had a baby in recent months and will be back at the practice later this year.
COVID positive results and close contact info
Information for patients diagnosed with COVID 19 – Erskineville Doctors I’ve tested positive for COVID 19, what do I do now? If you have severe illness including shortness of breath, fainting, inability to eat and drink or any other severe illness dial 000 and inform the operator you are COVID positive. Stay home – do not go out. If you have tested positive on a Rapid Antigen Test and have symptoms you should assume this is a true positive result. You do not need to get a formal PCR test. You should register the positive result with Service NSW. (1800 960 …
Christmas and New Year break
The practice will be closed on all Sundays and Public Holidays over the Xmas period. Please get organised now to sort out any prescriptions that are due for renewal. You can use our online system to make a request. Many of our patients are planning to take leave soon as well. We wish you all the best and suggest everyone take the opportunity to get some rest but also to do whatever it is that recharges your energy. Opening hours are: Friday 24 December 8.00am-12 noon – Drs John, Jodie, Anna and Patti Saturday 25 December -Tuesday 28 December – …
Telehealth appointments only during lockdown
Under the current Public Health Orders a reasonable excuse for leaving home is for essential medical care. Following advice from NSW Health we are booking all of our appointments as telehealth consultations, unless your presentation requires a face-to-face appointment for clinical reasons. As a default we will talk to you first and then arrange to bring you in for examination. Telehealth appointments will be billed as per our usual billing policies. Reasons for coming to the practice include: immunisations – scheduled childhood vaccinations that are due (not the extras), fluvax and COVID vaccination antenatal care – later stages of pregnancy …
Repeat prescription and referral requests online
Erskineville Doctors accepts requests for prescriptions and referrals online from regular patients. Please see conditions below. Request a referral Request a prescription Download the AMS Connect App for mobile use. The practice policy is not to write prescriptions or referrals based on telephone requests if you have not attended the surgery in the last 12 months. The doctors appreciate the chance to see you and review your medical issues. You can request a short phone consultation for a repeat referral or prescription. As at June 2020, Medicare rebates apply for phone consultations. In some situations the doctor will not be able to write a …
New online booking system
As of Monday 1 March we will be moving to a new online booking system – Automed. Automed has several new features that will help us manage booking, appointment reminders, results and reminders, and online ordering for repeat scripts/referrals. You will be able to use Automed from our website or by downloading the AMS connect app. Not all of the features will be immediately available, but we will be adding things over the next few weeks. We appreciate your feedback if you are encountering any issues as we transfer to this new system.
Electronic prescriptions
You can now receive your prescriptions in an electronic version directly to your phone. We can do this either during a telehealth consult or when you are in the practice. An e-script comes to your phone as an SMS that opens a link to a QR code. The pharmacist scans the code to unlock your prescription. Repeat scripts are sent back to your phone as another SMS. You can save scripts in a Notes folder on your phone or in one of various apps (many pharmacies are creating their own) If you do not have a Medicare card you …