Do you have an established relationship with your GP? Register NOW in MyMedicare.
MyMedicare is a new voluntary patient registration initiative by the Federal Government aimed at strengthening the relationship between you, your general practice, you doctor and primary care team
What are the benefits:
From 1st November you’ll get access to Medicare rebates for longer telephone consultations
Greater transparency and continuity of care for those providing you with healthcare services
Registering in MyMedicare does not guarantee you access to your preferred GP and does not guarantee your consultation will be bulk billed. Our standard billing policies apply to all patients, regardless of their MyMedicare registration.
Who can register:
Registration is open to Australians with a Medicare or Department of Veteran’s Affairs (DVA) Veteran Card. To be eligible to register in MyMedicare at our practice you must have had two (2) face-to-face visits at Erskineville Doctors within the last 24 months. Those who are facing hardship, including experiencing domestic and family violence and homelessness are exempt from all eligibility requirements.
How to register:
- You can start the registration process in your myGov – Medicare Online Account or Express Plus Medicare Mobile app. Practice staff will then accept the registration in the MyMedicare system.
- By filling out the registration form, available from your GP or reception. By signing the form, you are giving consent to participate in MyMedicare. Practice staff will then complete the registration in the MyMedicare system.
A parent/guardian must register a child 13 years and under and provide consent on their behalf – using a registration form. Young people aged 14 to 17 years can register and provide consent without a parent/guardian, using their myGov – Medicare Online Account, or a registration form.
MyMedicare does not tie you to a particular GP – you can change your preferred GP within the practice at any time. You can also register with a new practice if you meet the eligibility requirements and the practice is already registered in MyMedicare.
For more information on MyMedicare speak to your GP or visit the MyMedicare website.