Information for patients diagnosed with COVID 19 – Erskineville Doctors
I’ve tested positive for COVID 19, what do I do now?
If you have severe illness including shortness of breath, fainting, inability to eat and drink or any other severe illness dial 000 and inform the operator you are COVID positive.
- Stay home – do not go out. If you have tested positive on a Rapid Antigen Test and have symptoms you should assume this is a true positive result. You do not need to get a formal PCR test.
- You should register the positive result with Service NSW. (1800 960 933) as soon as you can, as this will trigger a survey to check about your immune dysfunction, chronic disease, age and vaccine status. as well as your symptoms. This is to ensure that higher risk patients can get the care they need. This might include medications that need to be started within 5 days of your first symptoms. *
- Contact us within 5 days if you are in any of these categories: Aged 70+ Aged > 50 with 2 comorbidities; Aboriginal or Torres Strait Islander aged >30 or over with 2 comorbidities; Aged > 18 with immunocompromising condition, especially if you have not received 3 COVID vaccines.
- Read the following home isolation guideline to help keep your family/ household and the community safe Confirmed cases of COVID‑19 – Fact sheets ( and Self-isolation rules for cases and people exposed to COVID-19 | NSW Government. The RACGP guide has more detail.
- Members of your household and anyone who has spent more than 4 hours in your home or in a home like setting are considered close contacts. Please provide them with the following advice Close contacts of COVID-19 – Fact sheets (
- You should also notify anyone you have been in contact with for the 48 hours before your symptoms started that you have COVID 19. If you have no symptoms, then the time frame is 48 hours before your positive test. See Information for people exposed to COVID to help those people assess their risk and what they should do.
- If you are vaccinated, most cases should be relatively mild, though you might experience muscle aches, sore throat, cough, headache and fatigue, dizziness. Some people have no symptoms at all. There is information about how to manage at home, but please call us for a consultation if you have concerns. Rest and hydration is important, as you can expect ongoing fatigue even after other symptoms have gone.
- If you are >65, have chronic health issues, are pregnant, Aboriginal and Torres Strait islander or are unvaccinated, then RPA Virtual will most likely be coordinating your care at home. If you haven’t heard from anyone in the health system , especially if you are concerned about your symptoms, please call us for a telehealth appointment and we can put you in touch with RPAV. Please let reception know you have COVID and are not well and that you are concerned about being high risk.
- Anyone else, that is people <65 who are vaccinated, will be deemed “low-risk” and assumed to be able to look after themselves at home. If you feel unwell or are worried/ have medical questions, please phone us and let our receptionists know that you are COVID positive. We will triage you for a telehealth appointment.
- Read the following information about what symptoms to look out and when and how to seek urgent care on the RPAH virtual website: GP care (
- You must self-isolate for 7 days from the day you were tested. However, you can only leave self-isolation after 7 days if you do not have a sore throat, runny nose, cough or shortness of breath. If you still have symptoms on day 6 or later, please discuss with your GP, RPA Virtual or the NSW Care at Home Support Line 1800 960 933 as you may need to stay in isolation longer. Either way you should avoid spending time with vulnerable people for a further 7 days.
If you have a positive test but do not have any symptoms
- Isolate at home and contact people you have seen whilst infectious as above
- Monitor for symptoms and call the practice for a telehealth appointment if any concerns
- You will receive an SMS from NSW Health after 7 days but you do not have to wait for this SMS to leave self-isolation if it has been 7 days since you were tested. See also Recovery and Release information.
- If your employer requires information about whether or not you can attend work, please show them this information from NSW Health. Depending on the work environment your employer could elect to keep you working from home, or do RAT testing. We are not able to provide medical certificates for return to work.
If you have symptoms you are worried about, please ring Erskineville Doctors to organise COVID care
What will COVID care at Erskineville Doctors look like?
- An initial assessment with one of the GPs via Telehealth – please book this ASAP via reception and let them know you are COVID positive.
- Check ins with the nurse or GP as needed, depending on the severity of your illness
- Consultation on day 6 to review and discussion de-isolation. NOTE: NSW health should send a de-isolation SMS to you 7 days after your positive test result. If you have had no symptoms in the previous 24 hours you can leave isolation. We suggest that you take precautions for a further 7 days if going to a high risk environment or visiting someone who is more vulnerable .
Fees – Our usual fees apply for GP consultations.
Nurse only consultations may incur a non rebatable fee
For guidance please refer to the symptom list on the following document by RPA virtual: GP care ( and the RACGP guide