National Immunisation Program funded vaccines
Highschool children are 0ffered scheduled vaccines in year 7 (HPV and DTP) and then year 10 (Meningococcal ACWY). If your child misses one of these we can organise a catch up for free until the age of 19. Catch up for HPV vaccines are available until age 25.
Other vaccines to consider
Influenza vaccines are recommended annually for anyone, but especially people with any condition that would put them at risk, for example asthma with need for preventer medication.
Meningococcal B vaccination is also recommended but not funded. This is a 2 vaccine schedule. After <2 year olds, the 15-19 year olds are the next most vulnerable group.
COVID boosters can be considered for 18 years old and over. A decision should take into account other risk factors.
Before any overseas travel, check the recommendations for your destination.
If you need to check your immunisations list you can go to the Australian Immunisations Register. through mygov. Once a child has turned 14 they will need their own mygov account to access this information.