Health Registers

Health Registers

Erskineville Doctors participates in national/state health registers for the following items:

  1. Australian Childhood Immunisation Register (ACIR) – for immunisations given up to the age of 20 years (note the change from 7-20 years commenced in 2016)
  2. NSW Pap Test Register for all Pap test results

You will receive reminder notices from these organisations for overdue childhood immunisations or Pap tests.  NSW Health has also developed a “Save the Date” application for childhood immunisations.

The practice will not send additional reminders for scheduled childhood immunisations, or routine 2 yearly Pap tests.

The practice also keeps it’s own registers of patients with specific health problems who need routine follow up, eg. Diabetes. We will also enter recalls for individual patients based on their health needs.

We will be using email where possible to send you reminders or recalls. To be able to send you reminders or recalls, or anything that might constitute direct marketing, you need to let us know that you do not want to receive such correspondence.

If you wish to opt out of either any registers for reminders or recalls please let your doctor know.

When you participate in other screening programs such as Breastscreen or the Bowel Cancer Screening Program you will be asked to nominate your regular GP and the results will be forwarded to us for our records or for follow up as needed.