A useful website for all things pregnancy related – compiled by a GP in Brisbane – Maternity Matters
Planning for pregnancy
If you are thinking about trying to get pregnant, or just have questions about fertility, you should make a time to discuss these. Before pregnancy we can organise blood tests to check for immunity to some diseases, organise screening for some genetic conditions, make sure your cervical screening is up-to-date, give you advice about vitamins and supplements (folate/iodine), review any medications or medical conditions and discuss optimising your general health.
First pregnancy visit
You should see your GP in early pregnancy, by about 7 weeks from your last period, to organise some early tests, make the relevant referrals, advise you on managing early pregnancy symptoms and check on your general health. It’s a good idea to make a long appointment for this first visit. We suggest you use this checklist to prepare for your visit.
Your options for care during pregnancy include the public hospital clinics or Birth Centre, private obstetric care, Midwife Group Practice, or shared care with the hospital and your GP.
Tests in early pregnancy
Your doctor will discuss the various tests available in the first trimester of pregnancy. These include blood tests, a urine screen and ultrasounds. Ultrasounds and first trimester screening are available at RPAH and at private facilities.
Screening tests in early pregnancy
Antenatal Shared Care
If you choose to have shared care with Erskineville Doctors and the hospital, you will have a booking visit at the hospital between 12-18 weeks, and an obstetrician will review you around 20 weeks to confirm your suitability for shared care, ie. that your pregnancy is low risk. Check ups will be with your GP or the hospital over the course of your pregnancy. Shared can can be with the Birth Centre or the Midwife/Doctor clinic.
Problems in early pregnancy
If you are less than 20 weeks pregnant and experiencing pain or bleeding you can attend the Early Pregnancy Unit located in the RPAH Emergency Department at any time or the Early Pregnancy Assessment Service on Level 5 at RPAH, at 7.30am on Monday to Friday.
Please don’t suffer in silence – if you are experiencing nausea and vomiting you should seek medical advice. Nausea and Vomiting in pregnancy
Mental Health in Pregnancy
Over the course of your pregnancy and afterwards, the various health professionals will aim to screen you for any mental health concerns. These might predate your pregnancy, and issues might get better or worse at this time of significant transition. At some visits we will offer you standardised questionnaires (see below) to screen for any concerns. However, we hope that you will feel able to discuss your mental health with your doctor at any stage, so that we can assist you.
Edinburgh Postnatal Depression Scale
Antenatal (Psychosocial) Risk Questionnaire
There are several resources online. We recommend:
Centre of Perinatal ExcellenceAmong a range of resources they have a free app for expectant parents
Mind the Bump
Pregnancy and COVID-19
Click here for updated advice from ATAGI about COVID vaccines in pregnancy and breastfeeding
General information – how to care for yourself during pregnancy
If you are caring for a toddler – be aware of avoiding CMV infection. Don’t share food or kiss them on the mouth! CMV
Supplements in pregnancy – a multivitamin should include iron, vitamin D, and iodine. Your iron levels will be checked early and late in the pregnancy.
Foods to avoid (or eat!) in pregnancy.
Smoking and alcohol should both be stopped during pregnancy. If you need help to quit, please discuss with your doctor.
Medications in pregnancy Mothersafe can be contacted to discuss any issues with medications. They also have a useful list of factsheets about managing coming problems in pregnancy that might require medication.
Safer baby bundle – preventing stillbirth, including a video
Pregnancy and COVID-19
Click here for updated advice from ATAGI about COVID vaccines in pregnancy and breastfeeding
NSW Health Having a Baby
Royal Hospital for Women patient resources
Possums Online – resources for newborn care – breast-feeding, settling