Electronic scripts

Electronic scripts are now available – we have the technology! 

An e-script is a QR token, much like a boarding pass on your phone. This is how it will work: 

  1. During a consultation your doctor will offer to send your script as an e-script (QR token) 
  2. You can choose to receive it via SMS or email –we will use the details we have on file and check them with you before sending 
  3. We will check that you have received the e-script before the end of the consultation. 
  4. The script opens on your phone or computer as a QR token 
  5. Print the QR token or take your phone to the pharmacy. They will scan the code and dispense your medication 
  6. The pharmacy software will generate a new QR token for the repeats 

You can also choose to have the e-script sent to an alternative mobile number or email, for example if you need a family member to collect your script. 

Not every pharmacy is currently set up to process e-scripts, so it’s worth checking with your preferred pharmacy. You should discuss with your regular pharmacy if they are able to receive the token via email/SMS/app at their end.  

Hopefully this will mean no more lost scripts! If you do lose your phone or delete the SMS we can cancel the script and re-issue. We suggest you look at the possibilities of storing the scripts in a file on your smartphone (eg. on an iPhone you can created a folder under the Notes icon and save them there).