The COVID-19 situation is evolving every day, and we continue to work out the best way to care for all our patients. We aim to avoid the practice being a source of transmission and are using many strategies to do so. Please read our COVID-19 page for updates
To help keep our staff and patients safe we are asking that every patient book a phone consultation with our doctors. This allows for an extra level of screening, so that we can be prepared for any patient coming into the practice. You will need to be ready with your phone in a quiet place when we call, as if it were a face to face consultation. After an initial consultation your doctor might request that you come into the practice. We are taking bookings for children’s immunisations, Antenatal visits and newborn checks, as long as patients and their parents are well.
We are asking all patients to report their cold/flu symptoms and any travel history when they call. Click here for a self-assessment guide.
If you have travelled anywhere overseas in the past 14 days OR have been in close contact with a person who has a confirmed case of COVID-19, and are concerned about cold/flu symptoms – you should quarantine yourself at home. Please DO NOT attend the practice. Phone us on 9557 2266 and we will arrange a phone consultation with one of our doctors.
If we do ask you to attend the practice please follow our advice :
. wait outside until the doctor is ready, (will will SMS/call you)
. use hand sanitiser provided
. put on a mask as you enter the practice if you have any cold/flu symptoms
If you have severe difficulty breathing, call triple zero (000) immediately and tell the call handler and the paramedics on arrival about your recent travel history. Health Direct 1800 022 222 can provide advice if you have symptoms of concern and can’t get in touch with us. Click here for a self-assessment guide. If you have mild symptoms, you should just stay at home and follow the self-isolation guide.
NSW Health and the Commonwealth Department of Health are providing updates and resources about the novel coronavirus
For general information on the novel coronavirus (2019-nCov) you can call the National Coronavirus Health Information Line on 1800 020 080.
For the latest updates on the novel coronavirus (2019-nCoV), visit the Department of Health website or WHO.