Advice re novel coronavirus

You will have heard information through the media about a new coronavirus strain originating from Wuhan city in China. Due to global travel, the illness has already spread to countries in south-east Asia and the USA. There have been a few confirmed cases in Australia, in people who have travelled directly from China.

If you have travelled in Hubei province of China in the past 14 days and develop any of these symptoms – fever plus shortness of breath, cough, or sore throat you should:

  • Phone Healthconnect on 1800 022 222
  • or phone us at Erskineville Doctors and let us know you have flu-like symptoms
  • Make it clear to staff that you are concerned due to your recent travel.

One of our nurses or doctors can talk to you on the phone to decide on the best course of action. If you are very unwell we may need to send you to the emergency department for investigation and care.

If we make an appointment for you, please follow our instructions to limit the time you need to spend in the waiting room. On arrival please use alcohol rub and don the mask provided. Place any used tissues in the yellow bin at the front door.

If the illness is mild, stay home from work or school and wear a mask if you need to go out. Observe standard precautions below

Standard precautions to prevent infection spread include regular hand washing or use of alcohol hand rub, covering mouth and nose when coughing and sneezing, (cough/sneeze into your elbow), thoroughly cooking meat and eggs. Avoid close contact with anyone showing symptoms of respiratory illness such as coughing and sneezing.

For further and up-to-date information from NSW Health please check the link below: